The demand for the 100-day feast

MegaBox: The demand for the 100-day feast

MegaBox recently announced details of the promotion of the “Reunion Dinner”. MegaBox Director Wen Jingzhi said that an average of more than 10,000 wedding banquets are held in the mall every year. In recent years, in addition to wedding banquets, the demand for banquet catering services such as birthday banquets, birthday banquets and birthday parties has increased. Therefore, this year’s promotion plan will cover all types of banquet themes and receive banquet gift packages of different values. . She said that the banquet reservations for the wedding banquet merchants in the auspicious day are close to full, and next year’s “double springs and months”, the turnover of the relevant merchants will increase by 5% to 10% this year and next.