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Optimize the unpaid subsidized housing rental plan Two-bedroom owners can rent two households

At present, the Housing Society and the Housing Authority have a total of more than 350,000 non-subsidised subsidised sale flats

The “Rental Scheme 2019” allows eligible owners to rent out whole unpaid flats or individual bedrooms and employ flats of two bedrooms or above.

Up to two tenants can be rented; the scheme is co-operated with the Social Welfare Association

The Social Welfare Association will entrust an accredited social service agency or a social enterprise as a second landlord to assist eligible owners to sub-let the flats and provide support services to tenants. The HKHS will also set up an online information platform to provide information to owners and tenants who hold the Certificate of Participation Scheme for easy matching.

The Housing Society first launched the “Unpaid Subsidy for Sale of Housing-Rental Scheme” in September last year

The Housing Authority also joined the rental scheme in trial mode in July. At present, 350,000 have not subsidized the sale of flats. The owner is required to have a ten-year or more title of the unit and is a non- premium unit. The participating tenants include one-person households and one-person permanent residents who have been on the waiting list for three years or more, and one-person non-elderly residents who have been waiting for more than six years. Applicants cannot have any residential properties in Hong Kong and have not been allocated public housing. The owner can start the application on the 18th of next month and the tenant’s application period will start in December.

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