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Hongchuang’s “touching goods” eclipse 17% has always been the most hurt

The property investment sentiment turned worse. Last year, the industrial building of Dajiazui Hongchuang, which was released for sale, was due to the fact that the investors who did not want to attend the meeting were allowed to leave. One of the lower-level units just changed hands with 2 million yuan, and the original owner lost. Hand 420,000 yuan.

Investors will avoid the meeting

According to the Land Registry, the 13th floor, 6th Floor, Hong Chuang Fang, No. 128, Bing Fat Road, Tai Kok Tsui, with a floor area of 279 square feet, was sold for $2 million and the price was $7168. The original owner purchased it for 2.42 million yuan in June last year. The current book loss is 420,000 yuan, and the depreciation is 17.4%. No matter the amount of eclipse or the eclipse, it is the largest in the building.

Hongchuang Fang started selling in the middle of last year. The property was approved for occupation in the near future. Buyers must attend the meeting in a short period of time. However, due to the worsening market conditions, the market has already eroded the cable to avoid the situation. The 13th floor of the 15th floor of the previous month, the building area is the same as 279 square meters, sold for 2.35 million yuan, the price of 8423 yuan, the original owner must etch 300,000 yuan or 11.3%.

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