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Cheung Yuen Long District

The North Agricultural Land held in Changchun (01113) in Kam Tin in Yuen Long, abandoning the original house scheme and applying for the development of a stratified residential development, the number of units increased by over 80% to 200, and the Planning Department has no objection to it. (4) Day) can be approved by the Town Planning Board.

Originally built 107 houses approved

The farmland is located at the junction of Kam Tin Bypass and Kam Tai Road and covers an area of approximately 176,500 square feet. During the year before last year, 107 real estate projects were proposed for the construction of a solid wooden house. However, due to the strong market demand for fine units, the proposed site will be changed. For the development of 8 five-storey high-rise residential buildings, 200 units will be provided, with 2 to 3 bedrooms and a total floor area of approximately 140,000 square feet.

The Planning Department believes that the new scheme will provide a buffer zone for the relocation of wetlands, fisheries and agricultural conservation. The protection measures are in compliance with the requirements. Environmental assessments such as traffic roads and noise discharge are also in line with departmental requirements. Therefore, they do not oppose the application. The Town Planning Board will consider the plan today and it is expected that the chance of approval will be high.