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Earth is alive, you are responsible

Earth is alive, you are responsible

Recently, many countries and the European Union have already or will soon conduct general elections. The people focus on how power shuffling affects their well-being. In Hong Kong, the attention of the society and the media is concentrated on two things. First, the United States step by step to block the impact of Huawei on the Hong Kong economy. Second, the revision of the “Fugitive Offenders Ordinance” has provoked the chaos of the Legislative Council and some countries in Europe and America. Concerns about the independence and governance of the SAR. Global governments, politicians, and society are all busy with each other, thinking about a global environmental pollution and climate upheaval that seems to be far from the horizon, and is in fact imminent, threatening human survival.

The United Nations International Scientific Organization’s Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which was attended by 132 countries (including China), was published earlier this month by more than 400 experts from around the world for three years to research and compile. The 1,000-page Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, the main findings include: (1) more than one-third of the world’s land and 75% of freshwater resources are used to produce crops or livestock; (2) 2015 More than one-third of the marine fish are caught at unsustainable speeds in the year; (3) the urban area has doubled since 1992; (4) plastic pollution has increased tenfold in the past 40 years; (5) about 300 million to four per year Billions of tons of heavy metals, chemical solvents, toxic sludge and other industrial waste are dumped into the lakes, rivers and seas of the Earth. Experts pointed out that about 1 million animals and plant species are facing extinction threats. If humans do not change their living habits, consumption patterns and social laws in time, some varieties will disappear from the earth in the next few decades, directly affecting humans. Surviving. In other words, Hong Kong’s “post-90s”, the millennial generation and their children, who are part of the global village, will witness the development of this tragedy.

Since the reunification of Hong Kong, the Chief Executives have issued policies and various measures for environmental and natural conservation and sustainable development in the Policy Address every year, including the introduction of LPG taxis, the establishment of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, and the improvement of water quality and source of Victoria Harbour. Reducing waste, garbage sorting, plastic bag levy, appealing to the public to cherish food, “doing ghosts”, encouraging shopping and eating “shaping”, formulating “Hong Kong Urban Energy Conservation Blueprint 2025+” and “Hong Kong Climate Action Blueprint 2030+” The report on “Sustainable Development in Hong Kong in the 21st Century” was published 20 years ago. The Central Government has also extended the UN Convention on Biological Diversity to Hong Kong in 2011 (but how many people know that International Biodiversity Day last Wednesday)!

Although the Government has made legislation and publicity for environmental protection, environmental protection groups have been more active in promoting and promoting. The environmental awareness of Hong Kong people has improved. However, the results have not been satisfactory. Many people still have turned a deaf ear to the Government’s call for self-discipline. The author recently witnessed two examples. The first one was in a fast food restaurant. The store has posted notices asking the diners to use plastic drinking tubes, but some people still ask for drinking tubes. The other one is in the hot pot restaurant, which is posted on each table. The notice reminds diners to avoid wasting resources. If they do not eat, they will have to pay extra fees. However, there are still diners who leave a lot of ingredients at checkout and the clerk has no charge. In addition, in shopping malls, buses, offices and even school classrooms, the temperature of indoor air conditioners is too low, which wastes energy and catches a cold, but these institutions have not seriously dealt with this problem. As for the plastic bag levy, government data shows that plastic waste does not decrease.