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Architects advocate Fanling High Stadium to build Euro Park

Architects advocate Fanling High Stadium to build Euro Park

Senior Architect and Professor of the University of Hong Kong, Mr Fung Wing-ki, proposed new proposals for the resumption of the Fanling Golf Course and reserved the entire golf course as a Continental Park for the general public.

Feng Yongji: The entire recycling is reset

Feng Yongji pointed out that individuals do not own golf membership, but they oppose the government’s partial recovery of 32 hectares of Fanling Stadium. The reason is that they want to keep the entire golf course and preserve Hong Kong’s precious gardens. Therefore, the government should recommend recycling the entire golf course. Completely retain Hong Kong’s most valuable “Nature Park”.

The location of the Fanling Golf Course is located in the north-eastern part of the New Territories. He thinks that “Since the New Territories Northeast Development Area is planned to build a large park in the future, why not keep the Fanling Golf Course in the large gardens and then reset the place. The stadium will be re-housing from Central to Wong Nai Chung Road and retaining the Chater Garden. It can now be used as a reference.

a lot of trees, not easy to move out of precious trees

Regarding the partial recovery of 32 hectares of land at Fanling High Court, he thinks that there are a lot of trees in the area and it is not easy to move out precious trees. If it is to be retained, it will reduce the amount of housing. Therefore, the Government considers that the Government has taken back the entire golf course and left it to the whole. The people of Hong Kong will enjoy more beneficiaries and will not make the entire garden disappear.

He suggested that the government could retain the European-style garden style for the Fanling Golf Course and become a “European Hyde Park” or “New York Central Park” with European and American style.

As regards the vision of the future, the Government can introduce the blueprint for the public on the major reclamation projects on 1,000 hectares or 1,700 hectares. A sound plan will become a better city and will support it.