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Groups advocate Central Market URA opposition

WASHINGTON (AP) – Recently, a group of people recommended clearing the Central Market for public open space. U Kwong-cheng, the chief executive of the URA, wrote an objection. He said public support for the conservation program has been established as a mainstream opinion. It has revealed that it has hired consultants to study future operating modes and draw up Business combinations.

In the 2009 policy address, the government proposed the revitalization of Central Market Conservation, but earlier the environmental groups created the Hong Kong proposal to rebuild the two-storey flyover and public open space.

Uphill bridge public open space

Wei Zhicheng countered in the blog that the proposals for conservation have long been established and supported. The URA and the general public must respect and not allow the original decisions and principles to be somewhat discredited because of the alternative opinions that have emerged over time.

URA hired KPMG last year as a consultant to study the operating arrangements and details, including tender arrangements, major contract terms, types of food and services, merchant portfolio strategies and assessment criteria, and submit proposals to the URA.

URA: Public support for conservation programs

Mr Weizheng said the mainstream demand that Central Market should provide a “popular” diet, but whether it is a food court or specialty food, a chain of restaurants introducing bargain packages, or a restaurant selling local specialty foods, Need to further organize.