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Dawn neighbors sell 3.8 million

The St. Andrews Place in Sheung Shui has broken the slump in the past two years. Meilian Mingluo said that Belgavia’s single-B type houses had a practicality of 3,945 sq ft. Another 4,074 sq ft garden was also built. The landlord immigrated and sold flats for two months and sold for 5 million to 60 million yuan. The discount price was 15,209 yuan.

The seller was a local landlord. In 2007, it purchased homes for oneself for 60 years with the amount of RMB 60.88 million. The goods were held for 11 years. If expenses such as commissions and offset fees were taken into account, the loss was close to RMB 3.8 million. St.Andrews Place is a well-known large-scale foreign housing estate in the area. Among celebrity owners is Tianwang Liming.

In addition, Chang Shih (1113) Pokfulam Sassoon Road House, according to the company registry, shows that the project was sold through equity transfer of the company. The company changed its directorship at the end of last year. The newly appointed director Han Xiting has the same name as the Mainland actress. Excluded from the same person.

The site area of Sassoon Road No. 30 is 8,086 square feet, which is calculated based on a plot ratio of approximately 0.75. It is estimated that 6,060 square meters of floor space can be built. The estimated market price is approximately RMB 500 million. However, it is difficult to determine the manufacturing price through selling shells.