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Pan-Ocean: property prices rose 10% interest rate hike home buyers confidence

The executive chairman of Asia Standard Group (00129) said that the general economic tone of Hong Kong is conducive to the steady development of the property market. The property market is expected to grow steadily in the future. It is not a one-step uptrend so that it will be healthier. Housing will see an increase of 8% to 10% next year.

Guanbao Lin: A price increase of 10 to 15%

Guanbao Lin pointed out that the current market purchasing power is still stable, coupled with the overall inflation, wage-wage increase, rising construction costs, rising costs of natural property prices. Although there is a chance that interest rates will continue to rise, mortgage interest will only create short-term psychological impact and will not destroy home ownership confidence. In addition, inflation will continue to be maintained in the future. Public pay will continue to rise while construction costs will rise. Property prices will naturally rise. “I expect the property market will grow slowly in the coming years, with residential properties going up 8% to 10% in the coming year. More and more people are investing in commercial buildings. I believe the market will grow relatively fast with an estimated increase of 10% to 15%.”

Excessive government intervention in the market is not a good thing

In his view, the only worry is the property market, I do not know when the government spicy on the property market. Too much intervention by the government may not be a good thing for the market. In many major cities in the Mainland, there appears the phenomenon of over-building second-hand flats because the secondary market is less regulated than the new one. In Hong Kong, because of the problem of mortgages and stamp duty, the purchasing power in recent years turned to one-sided and I hope the government will try its best to intervene.

As for the new SAR government team who are interested in launching the first car-on-board plan and increasing the home ownership ladder, the individual in Guan-bing personally believes that it can be regarded as an alternative home-style house and its price must be lower than that of private buildings. However, , Coupled with the small supply, I believe the impact of private property market is not big.

Regardless of the mode of public-private cooperation or the increase of plot ratio to increase the floor to surrender to the government, as long as the count is reached, the general sea will also participate. However, he reminded the government that it must plan to upgrade its infrastructure before finding the first access plate Supporting, because the new town infrastructure is not matched, it is difficult to attract home buyers.

Push the deployment next year to deploy the main overseas projects

As for the Group’s plan to push the market in 2018, ASEAN will focus on overseas projects. Among them, the large-scale integrated development project in Tongzhou District of Beijing will bring together residential, shopping mall and commercial buildings with a total GFA of nearly 2.7 million square feet, of which The residential section will provide about 1,000 units and the project will be launched as soon as the second half of the year. It is not excluded that some units will be put on sale in Hong Kong.

“Tongzhou District has a total investment of more than 6 billion yuan. If the entire project is sold at a cost of about 15 billion yuan, it is a key project of the Group. It is located between 4 and 5 rings of Beijing, planning to develop into a deputy administrative center and a large number of government agencies To Tongzhou District, involving more than 400,000 people and 2,000 enterprises stationed in the property market is very optimistic. ”

In addition, the group is located in Vancouver, Canada, a hotel converted into a residential project LANDMARK ON ROBSON, providing 237 large units, have the opportunity to deploy the first half of the sale.