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HS’s Anderson Road subsidized housing for sale at the fastest 2022

HS’s Anderson Road subsidized housing for sale at the fastest 2022

The Hong Kong Housing Society (the Hong Kong Housing Society) will have a number of subsidised housing projects in the coming years. Three of them will be used for the construction of public housing estates in the vicinity of Anderson Road, Kwun Tong. It is expected to accept applications from 2022 onwards.

The Housing Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Authority) and the Housing Society submitted a paper to the committee of the Sai Kung District Council last week to brief the two organisations on the development of seven public housing sites in Anderson Road. The committee will meet today. discuss.

Three of the above-mentioned seven sites are adjacent to the public housing estate An Tai Estate. They are tentatively named “R2-2”, “R2-3″ and R2-4”. They are allocated to the development of the Housing Society. It is estimated that there will be a total of about 780 buildings in 13 residential buildings. .

It is understood that the HS plans to take the lead in the development of the “R2-2” site with the largest area and the most open landscape in the three sites. The site is adjacent to the private residential land acquired by Hua Tuo in early 2018. It covers an area of ​​about 1.75 hectares and is expected to be built 6 The 16- to 23-storey residential buildings provide about 1,400 subsidized housing units. Depending on whether they can be approved by the Town Planning Board in the future, they will set up a kindergarten with all six classrooms within the site.

As for the “R2-3” and “R2-4” sites developed by the HS, they provide about 420 flats and about 960 flats respectively. The information pointed out that the smaller “R2-3” land has the opportunity to belong to the Housing Society. Two developed plots.

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Regarding market rumors, the HS said that it is discussing the implementation details of the sale of land for housing with the grant of the Anderson Road Quarry. It will also consult with the local authorities and has not yet implemented the development plan.

In addition, the Housing Society is promoting the redevelopment of the Tsuen Wan Ming Wah Building in 2018. The HKHS submitted an optimization plan to the Town Planning Board in 2018, including the introduction of subsidised sale of housing elements, involving three tiered buildings and providing 750 subsidised sale flats.

The development plan will be submitted to the Town Planning Board for consideration on Friday. The Planning Department pointed out that the new plan did not deviate from the planning intention of the site. The relevant government departments did not have negative opinions on the landscape and air circulation, and did not object to the application.

In addition, in the past, the unpaid land premium units of the HS were unable to undertake high-value mortgages because there was no government guarantee. According to the information of the HKMC, the mortgage insurance scheme has been extended to the unpaid land premium flats under the Housing Department’s “Second Market for Residential Sale Scheme” since September last year. Interested home buyers can pass the insurance companies before signing the provisional sale and purchase agreement. The pre-approval service provided shall pre-check the approval results. As for the valuation of the relevant units, the insurance company will calculate the adjusted price discount rate after the land premium has been adjusted.