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AP: This year, large commercial and industrial distribution continued

AP Business Store expects the turnover of the entire industrial and commercial shops to remain stable this year with an overall turnover of about 200 billion yuan. It is estimated that the turnover of over $ 100 million has also gone up by 10% over the previous year.

Turnover this year fell to about 200 billion

Last year, the market prices of industrial and commercial shops registered a rise. The total number of transactions reached 9,124 with a turnover of 241.9 billion yuan, a record high. Among them, the volume of industrial buildings reached 5,081, involving 54.44 billion yuan, The transaction area of ​​commercial buildings, the transaction amount of about 112.4 billion yuan accounted for the highest proportion.

Among the three areas this year, the rebound rate is the lowest among all three categories. The overall selling price and rent have risen about 5%, of which the core area has increased by about 0% to 5%. The overall selling price and rental of commercial and industrial buildings have risen by 10% to 15% , The number of industrial transactions more expected to rise or fall, down 5%.

Mr Wong Han-cheng, the chief executive of APH shops, said last year’s success benefited from a handful of rare deals, including the sale and purchase of Central and Central (00823) shopping malls, which will be difficult to reproduce this year. As a result, the transaction value will slightly drop to about $ 200 billion, Coupled with the slowdown in the sale of flats for sale this year, the number of transactions will also slightly drop to about 9,000. However, he expects the big hand to trade will continue. For example, the Central Center has the opportunity to sell its flats and lead a new batch of shopping malls for sale. The turnover of more than 100 million yuan is expected to rise to 280, an increase of over 10% over 245 in the previous year.